Filling Patterns of Section 4 a II

In order to adapt the thread withdrawing of the small circles to the unevenweave of the fabric, the thread withdrawing is made is 4/3:1.

A star pattern is embroidered – coton à broder No. 25.

The large tulip receives a special thread withdrawing to accommodate a variation of filling pattern No. 570 – thread withdrawing 5-3-3-5:3.

Satin stitches are worked in a zigzag shape over the groups of 5 threads.

The remaining rows are embroidered with 3-sided rose stitches.

The tip of the tulip receives a thread withdrawing of 2:4

and is embroidered with filling pattern 576 using coton à broder No. 25.

The wing of the little bird seems to me to be too small for a filling pattern with a thread withdrawing. Therefore, the area is filled with Chain stitches (coton à broder No. 20).

However, the edges are unclean, so as an exception a Chain stitch round is worked over the edge (coton à broder No. 30).

The Mini Bleeding Heart receives a thread withdrawing of 2:1

and as a filling pattern Cable stitches worked with coton à broder No. 30.

Section 4 a II is now finished embroidered.

Schwalm Band – Outline Design
Schwalm Band (1) Design Transfer
Schwalm Band (2) – Preparatory work of section 5
Schwalm Band (3) – Preparatory work of section 4
Schwalm Band (4) – Preparatory work of the sections 3 – 1
Schwalm Band (5) – Filling Patterns of Section 5 II
Schwalm Band (6) – Filling Patterns of Section 5 I
Schwalm Band (7) – Filling Patterns of Section 4 b II
Schwalm Band (8) – Filling Patterns of Section 4 b I

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