Filling Patterns of Section 1 II
The areas of the trefoil are relatively small. Therefore the middle receives a thread withdrawing of 2:1
and a Rose stitch pattern (coton à broder No. 30).
The sides are too tiny for withdrawing thread patterns. A large Daisy stitch on each side – except for the tip, overlaid at two other points so that it holds its shape –
and a smaller Daisy stitch placed in it forms the decoration (coton à broder No. 20).
The little heart receives a thread withdrawing 3:1
and the Limet pattern “Pigtails” (coton à broder No. 25) (Limetrosen I, page 14).
The small tulip receives a thread withdrawing of 2:1.
Filling pattern No. 549 is embroidered with coton à broder No. 25.
The wing of the very large bird receives a thread withdrawing of 3:1.
With coton à broder No. 20 is a strip of the filling pattern No. 578, framed by a row of Stain stitches. The remaining area is filled with Four-Sided stitches.
The bird’s belly should be embroidered with Four-Sided stitches to match the wing. To do this, the thread is withdrawn 3:1 to the edge of the neck.
Four-Sided stitches are embroidered in the Limet grid (coton à broder No. 20). A Satin stitch bar is placed between the head and body as a finish (coton à broder No. 20).
The bleeding heart receives a thread withdrawing 3:1.
With coton à broder No. 20 filling pattern No. 577 is embroidered.
This means that Section 1 II also received its filling patterns. There is only one more section left to be mastered. As always, all patterns look more striking after washing.
Schwalm Band – Outline Design
Schwalm Band (1) Design Transfer
Schwalm Band (2) – Preparatory work of section 5
Schwalm Band (3) – Preparatory work of section 4
Schwalm Band (4) – Preparatory work of the sections 3 – 1
Schwalm Band (5) – Filling Patterns of Section 5 II
Schwalm Band (6) – Filling Patterns of Section 5 I
Schwalm Band (7) – Filling Patterns of Section 4 b II
Schwalm Band (8) – Filling Patterns of Section 4 b I
Schwalm Band (9) – Filling Patterns of Section 4 a II
Schwalm Band (10) – Filling Patterns of Section 4 a I
Schwalm Band (11) – Filling Patterns of Section 3 II
Schwalm Band (12) – Filling Patterns of Section 3 I
Schwalm Band (13) – Filling Patterns of Section 2 II
Schwalm Band (14) – Filling Patterns of Section 2 I
Liebe Frau Happel, Danke! für das tolle Muster und die hervorragende Beschreibung. Habe gerade
die Konturenvorlage bei Ihnen bestellt. Leider habe ich viel zu wenig Zeit all die Handarbeiten auszuführen, deren Vorlagen sich so angesammelt haben – und es kommen ja immer neue hinzu!
Viele liebe Grüße und nochmals herzlichen Dank für Ihre außergewöhnlich schöne und gute Anleitungen
Maria R.
Danke für die Komplimente.
Ja, ich selbst habe auch viel zu viele wunderschöne Muster, die ich gern noch sticken würde. Mal sehen, was ich davon noch schaffe. In Stickpausen nehme ich manchmal die Muster zur Hand und genieße es, sie einfach nur zu betrachten und mich daran zu erfreuen.
Kennen Sie Social Media Gruppen (möglichst facebook), die sich über Schwälmer Weißstickerei austauschen? (Ich erhielt eine Anfrage, bin aber nicht so firm auf diesem Gebiet.)