Scallops are not only used to completely outline a shape, as seen here on the small bud,

small bud outlined with half-eyelet scallops
but they are also an effective embellishment, for example, on baskets, buds, birds or making stems more prominent.

basket decorated at both the top and bottom edges with uniform half-eyelet scallops

bud decorated with uniform half-eyelet scallops

bird decorated with uniform half-eyelet scallops

stem decorated with uniform half-eyelet scallops
Scallops in graduated sizes

bud decorated with half-eyelet scallops in graduated sizes
or arranged fan-like

bud decorated with Satin stitch scallops arranged fan-like and in graduated sizes
are often found in different variations along small buds

bud decorated with scallops arranged fan-like and worked with Coral Knot stitches and Chain stitches
or pomegranate motifs.

pomegranate decorated with scallops arranged fan-like and in graduated sizes, worked with Coral Knot stitches and Chain stitches

pomegranate decorated with scallops of differing sizes, worked with Blanket stitches
Scallops in the shape of leaves sometimes decorate hearts

leave-shaped scallops in different sizes outline a heart, worked with Blanket stitches
or birds

uniform leave-shaped scallops as decoration for a bird, worked with Blanket stitches
Hello Luzine,
Fantastic as usual! I enjoy every bit of mail you send. Keep them coming.
Thank you, Andre,
I try to keep them comeing. I want to present some more interesting patterns in the next weeks.
Please look forward
I love visiting your blog and hope to one day try this beautiful needlework.
Yes, I want to give people an appetite for Schwalm. And some become addicted to this beautiful type of whitework. It is a fun.
Luzine beautiful work as always.
A joy to look at your lovely work.
Like other readers and admirers, I to say yes you can keep the ideas coming as I know they are popular and enjoyed.
Wow, ist das schön und sauber gearbeitet.
Sauber zu arbeiten ist keine Kunst – man braucht nur eine gute Anleitung und etwas Übung!