Ausstellungskatalog 2011 - Luzine Happel - Kunst der Schwälmer Weißstickerei (The Art of Schwalm Whitework)
Exhibition Catalogue 2011

Luzine Happel
Ausstellungskatalog 2011 – Luzine Happel – Kunst der Schwälmer Weißstickerei
Kunst der Schwälmer Weißstickerei (The Art of Schwalm Whitework)

  • documentation of the 2011 exhibition in Eschwege, Germany
  • Text: German
  • Pages: 145, colour, plastic comb binding, many excellent pictures and close-up photos showing details

Consists mainly of Schwalm Whitework. One will find both extravagant historical pieces and elaborate contemporary projects. Included are examples of all types of Schwalm Whitework.

One can find Easter motifs and Christmas embroideries, as well as an elaborately worked Christening robe. Pattern samplers as well as modern whitework complete the collection.

Finally, each exhibit is described in detail.

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