Frühe Schwälmer Weißstickerei
- Self-published 2010
- Text: German
- 98 pages, colour
- 4 pages of marking assistance tools
- 7 pages of outline designs; plastic comb binding
Schwalm Whitework is currently well-known far beyond Germany. Characteristic for this style are: many different, usually large motifs of simple figures: hearts, “suns” (circles), baskets, tulips and other flowers which are closely arranged, filled with a multitude of drawn-thread patterns, connected by thin stems and surrounded by a lot of tendrils, small leaves and small flowers. Coral Knot stitches are used for outlining the motifs, for working stems and tendrils.
However, nearly unknown is a forerunner of this Schwalm-typical embroidery – “Early Schwalm Whitework (also referred to as “old” Schwalm Whitework in the vernacular).
In this delightful technique, the same motifs are shown in similar arrangements. But in place of Coral Knot stitches, Stem stitches are worked.
The motifs are not filled with drawn-thread patterns, but with stitches lying on top of the fabric. In this way, the majority of the pattern-building thread is to be found on the front of the fabric, which lends a unique and a fascinating charm to this embroidery.
Briefly and concisely:
Schwalm Whitework – yes, but
without Coral Knot stitches,
without withdrawing threads,
without counting
This interesting and attractive option of Schwalm embroidery art is too good to let disappear into oblivion. It is especially suited to working on old, handwoven (very dense and very fine) linen.
Therefore my new publication
“Frühe Schwälmer Weißstickerei”
focuses this “old” technique – showing and describing all neccessarry steps with many detailed step-by-step pictures, so that everyone can learn it without outside help.
Included in the book are: 15 different basic patterns for a total of 78 modifications; some particularly attractive Schwalm designs – similar to a unit construction system, which aids in adapting the designs in a completely simple way to individual needs; marking assistance tools so what working the patterns proceeds easily, quickly and evenly.
One can look into the book in “shop“.
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