Individualized Label for a Project Bag
Project bag: finished bag measures 18 cm X 28 cm
Linen: old handwoven with a 18/cm thread count, cut to 16 cm X 11 cm
Threads: coton à broder No. 20 for Coral Knot stitches and French Knots; No. 30 for the filling patterns, Wave stitches, and slanting Blanket stitches (Early Schwalm Whitework); 2 strands of 6-ply stranded cotton for Stem and Satin stitches.
Design: No. 03 measuring 10 cm X 4,94 cm

  1. I really love the Advent one of the 2 birds, but they are all lovely, and I am as excited
    as a child waiting to “open” the next one tomorrow! Your work is beautiful!

    • Thank you for the compliment. I enjoy visitors, excited waiting for opening the next “door”! And the best for you: some more lovely designs with birds will follow.

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