
Linen: 20/cm thread count, cut to 14 cm X 26 cm
Threads: coton à broder No. 20 for Coral Knot stitches; No. 25 for Lazy Daisy, Blanket, and Eyelash stitches; 2 strands of 6-ply stranded cotton for the Satin stitches.
Design: No. 17 measuring 6 cm X 8.68 cm
Additional items: transparent plastic to be inserted between layers to provide a little stiffness, decorative cord

  1. Thank you for sharing these exquisite embroideries. I look forward to seeing the latest one every morning. I will miss them when Advent is over!

    • Thank you for your encouraging words, Margaret. Don´t be sad. I have nice ideas and pretty embroideries for the next year´s posts. Right after Christmas I will continue posting – not every day, but all few days.

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