Having a look around the shops, I found hangings decorated for Easter – simple to rework with a touch of embroidery.
They are made from wooden discs and wooden beads alternately strung on a rustic thread
with a metallic Easter egg randomly placed between.
Taking a thick branch from my garden and using a small saw and a thin drill bit, I easily got the required discs. I had some beads on hand.
I replaced the metallic eggs with small embroidered Easter eggs. I used the design presented here and embroidered white eggs using filling patterns No. 540
and “Kronjuwel” from the book Limetrosen II.
After boiling, the embroidery was heavily starched so that the cut piece holds its form.
I used a continuous white thread, because I found the big knots distracting,
and alternately strung beads, wooden discs, and embroidered Easter eggs on it.
Illuminated from behind, as when placed on a window, the embroidery takes on an especially beautiful effect.
One can create short hangings with only one egg or longer hangings with a couple of eggs.