Two angels, one with a star and one with a candle, meet up.

The design measures about 30 cm X 18 cm. It was stitched on linen with a 13.5/cm thread count.
The project was designed and embroidered by Hermine Schwehn.

The hair was stitched with Chain stitches.

Candle and Sleeves were worked with openwork patterns (Openwork Needleweaving Patterns).
Stitches worked gold metallic thread highlight some sections.

The wings were filled with Rose Stitch Rhombus Variation (Stars).

The dress was stitched with alternating two rows of “H” pattern and one row of Double Diagonal Cross Filling stitches (Openwork Pattern Samplers).
The hems were stitched with Wave stitches and the shoes with single Satin stitch bars.

The Star was filled with the openwork pattern Rose stitches.

I apologize for the quality of the images. Unfortunately, I could not photograph the original embroidery.

  1. Beautiful! I need to clone myself so I can do all the projects I see and love!

    • Up to this year´s Christmas you can not finish all, but step by step next year it will be no problem. Look forward to the many more beautiful designs waiting beyond the doors!

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