A distinguishing feature of Schwalm whitework is the enormous variety of different filling patterns. Many of them are already published in my books, but there are many more beautiful patterns for filling areas of any size and shape. Periodically I present filling patterns on my blog – many have been presented in the past and more will be featured in the future.

In 2015 my webmaster installed a blog archive with a thumbnail overview that delighted my readers. The filling patterns are also pictured there, but one has to cull them from all the other subjects.

To improve this situation, I got the idea to install an additional overview that features only filling patterns. My webmaster accomplished the technical requirements and has stocked the new archive with the already published images. Perhaps you have already noticed this archive – it has been up and running for the past few weeks.

But the thumbnail overview should develop in a way so that one can get a direct comparison of the effect of different patterns at first glance. Therefore all patterns should have approximately the same size, and they should be photographed from the same angle.

To accomplish this I embroidered many hours these past weeks. Four big samplers are already in the works, and a fifth will follow. When all samplers are finished, I will be able to present about 210 patterns that have not been shown so far – neither in my books nor on my blog. Some of them are completely new!

For the samplers I chose Weddigen linen with a 13.5/cm thread count (article 160) cut to 50 cm X 185 cm. In the end I will use them as drapes. Weighted at the bottom, they will hang plain, and the patterns will be especially effective illuminated from behind.

The pattern areas measure approximately 7.5 cm X 7.5 cm. So that all squares of one sampler get the exact same size, I divided the patterns into groups. (Valuable tips for the division and the arrangement of pattern samplers are found in my book Samplers).

So here is one sampler with only Limet patterns with a square in the center,

and another with only Limet patterns with an intersection of withdrawn-thread lines in the center.

One sampler shows only openwork patterns with an intersection of pairs of threads in the center, and one with only openwork patterns with a square in the center will follow.

I intend to fill the fifth sampler with patterns needing special thread withdrawing.

In the overview, only the pictures of the figural patterns should remain as they are.

With this prep work I am getting much closer to my goal of presenting my new thumbnail overview in the most effective and attractive way. Having first established a perfect format, I will be able to manage this special overview well, and we all can watch it grow and grow. The many beautiful patterns that have been published in my books will not be presented, because I do not want to put my paying customers at a disadvantage.

The new thumbnail overview of the pattern archive can be a very valuable tool when looking for a pattern to match a special shape. So I hope you will find it useful and visit often.

To find the new scrolling overview, please click to the blog via the link in the header of my website. You will find three scrolling overviews (blog posts, free designs, and filling patterns) in the right-hand margin. By clicking anywhere on the scrolling images, an overview page will open.

  1. Excellent, thankyou for all your work!

  2. Das sieht wunderbar aus. Eine tolle Idee.

    • Danke!
      Manchmal suche ich nach einem speziellen Muster, das für ein besonderes Motiv geeignet ist. Eine solche Übersicht erleichert das Suchen enorm – man muss nicht lange durch verschiedene Bücher blätttern, sondern kann einfach nur scrollen. Später soll noch eine Sortierfunktion hinzukommen – das ist bei den bisher wenigen Mustern noch nicht nötig.

      • Ich habe mir ja im letzten Jahr bei Ihnen ein “Einsteiger Paket” bestellt bin leider aus verschiedenen Gründen noch nicht dazu gekommen. Bin selber etwas unglücklich darüber. Habe es aber schon parat gelegt und möchte es nun angehen.

        • Wenn man die Grundlagen erst einmal beherrscht, macht diese Art der Stickerei wirklich viel Spaß. Und dann kann man all die Muster meines virtuellen Mustertuches, die einem zusagen, ausprobieren.

  3. Tolle Idee. Was mich jetzt interessiert, wie sichern sie die ausgezogenen Fäden. In ihrem Buch Mustertücher werden die gezogenen Fäden ja mit Wickelstiche gesichert und dann der Fadenauszug für die Muster.


    • Da ich in Zeitdruck war, habe ich die Umrandungsstiche vorerst weggelassen. Wahrscheinlich werde ich Wickelstiche verwenden. Knötchenstiche wären auch möglich. Ich werde ausprobieren, was auf der Gesamtfläche besser wirkt.

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