In these times of the coronavirus crisis, many people around the world have been forced to involuntarily stay at home. Although you are constantly following the situation via news outlets, at some point you surely long for a little more inner calm. Embroidery can be a welcome distraction. And so to help alleviate the boredom embroiders might be experiencing during these times, I have decided to post more.
Many Facebook groups are currently visiting my blog. What if each member of a group were to make a small embroidery to be later joined together into a large cloth? I got this inspiration while viewing photos of exhibitions I visited. One that caught my eye was the fabulously impressive sampler of Rosemarie Landsiedel-Eicken from 34497 Korbach.
I think a theme would definitely be necessary, and depicting “life” could be an idea: animals, flowers and other plants, stars, and many other life-affirming motifs could be considered. A couple of suitable motifs can be found in my blog archive free designs.
What do you think of this idea?
Thank you Luzine for thinking of us! Take care. For now we are well staying at home since almost three weeks! It’s hard but must be it is essencial. I’m doing Skype with my family. I specially miss my granddaughters! and pass days cleaning house and my needles and threads. Be safe!
Having contact with our loved ones only via phone, or Skype, or others, is an acquired taste – but it is absolutely necessary. And I hope, that it helps many people to stay healthy. Be safe, too!
It is indeed a difficult time for all thank you for thinking of us all out there in embroidery land. What a great idea and thank you for the pointing us to your motifs for inspiration. Stay safe and well Luzine.
Danke für die lieben Nachrichten!
Ich finde die Idee eines zusammen gestalteten Stücks toll!
Mal sehen, ob ich auch etwas fertig bekomme, dass ich beisteuern kann
Bleibt zuhause und bleibt gesund!
ganz gute Idee , ich bin am sticken und kann vielleicht etwas spaeter
schicken !
endlich hat man etwas mehr zeit zum sticken etc.
Bitte bleibt zu Hause , denkt an die Familie und alle Bekannten
und die ganez Welt !!
bis bald mal Luzine und vielen Dank fuer Ihr Blog !!
I think your idea is fantastic – and the theme is perfect. Love the example you shared.
Many of us have small pieces of cloth left from larger projects, and the threads. Thankyou for this lovely idea.
Wunderbar! Meine Freundin aus Japan hab mir diesen Link. Danke Yasuko!
Sie schreibt “…endlich habe ich meine kleine Stickerei fertig “
Es ist sehr erstaunlich und erfreulich, wie viele Stickerinnen sich an dem Projekt beteiligen. Darunter sind wahre Meisterwerke – wie auch der “kleine” Beitrag von Yasuko.