Tendrils are a common and important design element. They are symbols of life cycles and stand for changes and transition.
Our lives are changing enormously at the moment.
The spiral of the snail shell reminds one of the spirals of tendrils.
Snails retreat into their homes in case of danger and do not stretch their feelers again until the threat seems to be over.
So what could be more perfect today than to embroider snail “houses.”
The artist Gudrun Hartwig drew different snail shell designs for me.
Here is one of those designs:
Transferring the design one should keep in mind that it does not appear mirrored. The spirals of snail shells always turn counterclockwise. Not all lines of the wall structure must be transferred; this will only be confusing when stitching. For orientation the main lines and the length of the lines are enough.
Starting on the outside, I embroidered Chain stitches along the spiral line.
Starting with heavier thread, I changed to finer thread after approximately each round. This enables one to work the center of the spiral exactly.
The fine lines of the wall texture were embroidered with Stem stitches using coton à broder No. 30.
Snail “houses”, snails, and other crawlers are well suited to be included into a sampler.
This example shows one possible way to depict a snail shell.
Another possibility will follow.
Liebe Frau Happel,
wie liebenswert von ihnen uns auch in dieser Zeit mit ihren Ideen zu bereichern.
DANKE,und bleiben sie behütet
Meine Idee zur Schaffung eines weltweit gemeinsamen Mustersuches wird konkreter. Vielleicht wollen auch Sie mitsticken?
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