Global Schwalm Sampler – Update (19)

Here are six more unique embroideries from the Hong Kong contributions.

If the contributions shown in Update 18 were rather typical Schwalm embroidery, in this update one will see freer and more individualistic designs.

Some of the pieces are impressive with perfect embroidery. Unfortunately, the photographs cannot fully show the subtlety and accuracy of the stitches. It is a special experience to be able to view them in person.

For the time being, you have to be content with the pictures, but perhaps at some point you will have the opportunity to take a personal look at the finished sampler.

Kristen Kong

Sandy Lam

Maggie Fung

Anthea Ling

Jamie Chan

Tracy Fan

You can see more contributions in Update (18).

  1. Ich bin sprachlos! Diese unendliche Kreativität! Danke an alle Stickerinnen aus der ganzen Welt und ich durfte dabei sein. Das macht mich stolz.

    • Ja, liebe Frau Vorwerk, Sie können stolz darauf sein, zur Gemeinde der Weltstickerinnen zu gehören. Und Sie dürfen sich auf ein paar weitere herausragende Stickereien freuen.

  2. Oh! Wow! Not just the embroidery skill, but the variety of ideas.

    • Yes, Mary, not only the embroidery skill is admirable, but also the wide variety of ideas. And you can look forward to some more brilliant and stunning contributions.

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