Global Schwalm Sampler – Update (24)

The last of the promised contributions have arrived.

However, with such an ambitious project, it should not be surprising that a little problem might arise. Due to language difficulties, misunderstandings arose with one person’s contribution. Cheayoun Lee from South Korea contributed straightaway three embroideries: a pillowcase with a beautiful, but coloured stitched tulip wreath design,

a perfect worked square doily with a folded Peahole edging,

and a cute oval doily.

I immediately thought that I could not accept so many elaborate, but unsuitable, works for the sampler project. But how was I going to explain all this in a heartfelt way? Fortunately, I was introduced to another Korean lady – Youngmin Lee – who lives in the United States. She immediately and generously agreed to help me express my thoughts in Korean.

In the end, Chaeyoun Lee strongly urged me to not send back the unsuitable sampler embroideries. Instead she asked that I keep them as a donation for my museum. So I will gratefully do this.
Her oval doily, however, will be attached to a rectangular piece of linen. In that way I can very easily include it in the sampler; it will be a wonderful and unique addition to all the other embroideries.

Chaeyoun Lee
She wrote: “With the wish of all people in the world to be healthy”

Ekaterina Khokhlova from Russia embroidered a beautiful spruce tree.
She wrote – roughly translated: “I really liked the idea of creating a sampler together, and I will be very happy to participate. I hope I am not too late with this letter and my work. I chose the spruce motif for my work because Russia is rich in natural resources – especially forests. The forests of Russia take up 22% of the total forest area of the planet. Among all Russian trees, spruce plays a special role. This evergreen tree stands for eternal life, youth and strength. While embroidering a spruce tree for the Global Schwalm Sampler, I want to wish everyone health, steadfastness and striving for life in these difficult months of our lives.”

„Я выбрала для своей работы мотив ели, потому что Россия богата своими природными ресурсами- лесом. Леса России составляют 22 процента от всего лесного массива планеты. Среди всех деревьев у русских ель занимает особое место. Это вечнозелёное дерево олицетворяет вечную жизнь, молодость и силу. Вышивая ель для Глобального семплера швальмской вышивки, я хочу пожелать всем и каждому в эти непростые месяцы нашей жизни крепкого здоровья, силы духа и стремления к жизни».

Now only one embroidery is remaining to be presented. It will be shown in the next blog post.

You can see more contributions in Update 23.

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