When the Global Schwalm Sampler goes on tour – the first agreements are already in progress – the viewer should be given the opportunity to obtain background information. Therefore, I have created a detailed bilingual English-German report that is laminated and bound to accompany the cloth.
An overall picture with background lighting gives an initial view of the impressive project, and a numbered graph allows the viewer to more easily find the individual embroideries.
A short history of the Global Schwalm Sampler follows
as well as a list of the number of embroiderers and the submitted contributions of the respective nations.
After this brief introduction, there are 142 pages where one can see and read details of the individual contributions.
All the detailed images have been professionally edited. And the text, the same as the text originally posted on my website, has been enriched by many more detailed images of the finished sampler.
On the last two pages there is a short explanation of how the individual embroideries were combined to create a large sampler.
The detailed images of the embroidery are excellent after being professionally processed. You can clearly see every stitch.
I have therefore decided to make this publication accessible to all interested embroiderers! This book opens up a treasure trove of ideas that have been put into practice and embroideries that have come to fruition. The effect of individual filling patterns in different motifs can be compared wonderfully.
A quality book consisting of a total of 146 pages with 485 images must have a price. The printed version costs €39 (including 7% sales tax, so it is €36.45 outside the EU). But there is also a downloadable version that consists of, due to the file size, a total of 7 PDF documents. It can be purchased for €20 (including 7% sales tax, so it is €18.69 outside the EU).
The weight is more than 500 g, so the shipping costs are also higher – within the EU they are €7.49 without a tracking number and €10 with a tracking number. Outside the EU the shipping is €9 without a tracking number and €11.35 with a tracking number.
All those involved in the Global Schwalm Sampler receive a special discount of 20% on the purchase price as an extra “thank you”.

documentation of a worldwide unique project
146 pages
485 images
text: English and German
plastic comb binding
item price: €39 (including 7% sales tax), €36.45 for customers outside the EU
documentation of a worldwide unique project
146 pages
485 images
text: English and German
7 PDF documents with 80053 KB file size in all
item price: €20 (including 7% sales tax), €18.69 for customers outside the EU
BRAVO Pour ce magnifique travail..
Il me reste maintenant du temps pour mes autres missions.
What a beautiful idea Luzine!
Heloise (Brazil)
Thank you, Heloise
Hallo Luzine ! !
Your positive attitude encourage us always, Hugs ♡
Yasuko (from Japan)
So pleased you have put this into a book form. Thank you.
The book looks magnificent, so well done.
Félicitations à toutes !!C’est une collection pleine de talents et d’amour!
Remarquable assemblage qui n’a pas dû être facile……
Je suis enchantée par ce livre que j’ai reçu en parfait état
Herzlichen Glückwunsch an alle! Es ist eine Sammlung voller Talent und Liebe!
Bemerkenswerte Montage, die nicht einfach gewesen sein muss ……
Ich freue mich sehr über dieses Buch, das ich in einwandfreiem Zustand erhalten habe
Congratulations everyone !! It’s a collection full of talent and love!
Remarkable assembly which must not have been easy ……
I am delighted with this book that I received in perfect condition
Merci, Mireille, pour les compliments. Je suis ravi que vous aimiez le livre.
Danke, Mireille für die Komplimente. Ich freue mich, dass Ihnen das Buch gefällt.
Thank you, Mireille, for the compliments. Glad you liked the book.