Exhibition – Open for a Short Time Only
You may have been surprised that no new blog posts have been posted in recent weeks. I used the time to clean and realign my exhibition rooms, which have been lying fallow for almost two years.
My complete vaccination and some requests to visit have led me to ready the many exhibits for viewing before autumn comes.
Of course, the Global Schwalm Sampler occupies a special place. But also a number of other outstanding embroideries were additionally integrated into the exhibition.
Furthermore, selected comparisons of traditional pieces and their contemporary interpretations can be seen.
For the interested viewer, Parade Cushions – Pillow Parade includes many handed down and new embroideries: ring pillows, sachets, pincushions, chair cushions, sofa cushions, neck pillows, so called “Peel” pillows (sacks) and Parade cushions – cushions in all sizes and various designs.
Lately I have sewn, filled, transported and decorated a lot. I’m not quite done yet, but I hope to make it in time.
Stars Shine and Angels Dance expands the Christmas section of the exhibition.
Designs by various designers on the subject of pomegranates and birds will also interest the serious embroiderer.
Let yourself be surprised!
The exhibition will run from 16 August to the end of September. Due to the pandemic, the exhibition will be open by appointment only to those who have been fully vaccinated, recovered, or newly PCR-tested and wearing masks. I invite individuals or small groups to make their appointment by emailing me.
Please note that the rooms are not barrier-free and can only be reached via many steps.
Wonderful news!
Still Stitching, Susan Greening Davis
liebe Luzine ,, ich möchte so gerne kommen ,, es ist etwas weit weg !!
aber ich hoffe ganz fest das ich einmal kommen kann . seit dezember habe ich nicht mehr gestickt, immer noch probleme mit den augen , und jetzt noch mit gestopften hauptadern . ich hoffe immer noch , denn ich möchte gerne ein tischläufer sticken , die materialen fehlen nicht !!!
Jetzt noch vielen dank für alles das Sie für die Stickerei Schwalm gemacht haben !!!! Liebe grüsse und bleiben Sie gesund !
Margrit Michaux
Vielleicht klappt es ja zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt – mag sein im nächsten Jahr?
Danke und alles Gute für Sie!