I am happy to announce that one of my Schwalm whitework projects has made it into the world-class magazine Inspirations – the world´s most beautiful needlework.

My cushion with a typical Schwalm motif was professionally presented and beautifully brought to life on the pages of the magazine.

The pattern was named From the Heart. Embroidered with white thread on natural coloured linen, it creates a magnificent effect.

The typical motifs of basket, heart, tulip and circle were effectively filled with simple, openwork and Limet withdrawn-thread patterns and needlelace. Tendrils and small leaves fill in the gaps.

Detailed instructions can be found in the magazine. Best of all, Inspirations has put together a kit. With the right materials, one can easily start embroidering such a project.

If you ever get a chance to visit Adelaide, be sure to take the opportunity to look around and to shop at the Bobbin Tree store – a great treasure trove for any needlework enthusiast.

  1. Congratulations, Luzine! Your cushion is beautiful.

    • Thank you Lyn.
      Taking good pictures of embroidery is often an art.
      Inspirations did an outstanding job arranging the setting for the pillow. This was the only way the project could be staged wonderfully. I am very grateful for that.

  2. Congratulations
    Well deserved exposure

  3. Hi Luzine,

    Absolutely delightful design. But all your stitching is beautiful. What a blessing you are to embroiderers.


    • Thank you for so many compliments, Jill.
      My vigor has recently returned. So now I embroider a lot again. Soon you can see some results on my blog.

  4. Congratulations! A long time coming and well deserved!

  5. Gratuliere. Das ist schon eine Auszeichnung.

    • Danke Anja,
      Es gibt so viele schöne Sticktechniken und so viele Stickerinnen, die tolle Projekte zaubern. Gut, dass es noch gute Magazine gibt, die solche Stickereien vorstellen!

  6. Congratulations! It’s beautiful. I need to do Schwalm again. Maybe this is the push I need.

    • Thank you Karen,
      Yes, I hope it is the push for you to work Schwalm again. I started a new big project and it is soo much fun to decide for the differentest filling patterns! May be, you can have such fun too.

  7. I was so happy to see your design ‘From the Heart” in the Inspirations magazine. Your work is so lovely. Thank you for sharing with us.

    • Thank you Kathryn,
      I love sharing. Only by inspiring others can you encourage them to do the same. And only in this way can the embroidery endure.

  8. Das finde ich ja mal eine tolle Sache!!! Herzlichen Glückwunsch!!!

    • Danke,
      durch eine viel beachtete Publikation in einem weltbekannten Magazin kann man einen großen Kreis von Stickerinnen ansprechen. Vielleicht ist ja die eine oder andere dadurch motiviert, auch mal die Schwälmer Weißstickerei zu praktizieren. Das wäre schön.

  9. That is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

  10. Well deserved congratulations to you Luzine. I’m sure this beautiful project will inspire many stitchers.

    • Thank you Carol,
      a well-regarded publication in a world-famous magazine allows you to address a large circle of embroiderers. Perhaps one or the other is motivated by this to practice Schwalm whitework. That would be great.

  11. A truly beautiful design. I’m really keen to attempt to stitch it now I have seen it. I can’t wait to get the pattern. Thank you for creating such an inspiration.

  12. Liebe Frau Happel,
    herzlichen Glückwunsch, das ist eine verdiente Auszeichnung. Das Kissen sieht wunderschön und edel aus. Zudem sehr effektvoll präsentiert. Schön, wenn die Schwälmer Stickerei dadurch weltweit noch mehr Anhänger findet.

    • Danke, liebe Frau Müller,
      ja, auf dem naturfarbenen Leinen kommen die weißen Flächenfüllmuster noch klarer hervor. Auch merkt man, dass Profis die Bilder aufgenommen haben. Ich möchte nicht wissen, wie viele Versuche es gebraucht hat, bis die endgültige Auswahl getroffen werden konnte.
      Es ist heutzutage wichtiger denn je, mit guten Präsentationen Stickerinnen zu motivieren, selbst mal wieder zur Nadel zu greifen.

  13. Gratuliere zu der Veröffentlichung, liebe Frau Happel. Das Kissen ist wunderschön. Werde mir die Anleitung herunterladen und es bald sticken. Viele liebe Grüße Ihre Maria Reuter

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