When visiting my exhibition, Colette Bonnet discovered various embroideries that she liked and that she would like to work on herself. This also applies to the “hellebores and star” pattern, which can be seen in the last picture of this article.
However, she thought of embroidering the pattern onto a tapered lampshade. This was advised against after choosing the wire frame for the lampshade and in consultation with the lady who was to cover it with the embroidered linen. Instead of the large pattern, she chose individual stars of different sizes and spread them over the fabric.
The larger stars were given a center circle with different filling patterns from the book Stars.
The smaller stars were each only embroidered as an outline.
The pattern unfolds its full effect and its very special charm, especially in light.
It was also important to have a lampshade assembly specialist. In Claudine MAZUIR – 393 Chemin de la Montagnette – 30500 SAINT AMBROIX cmazuir27@gmail.com Colette has found such a professional.
The unique embroidery and the perfect assembly enchant Colette’s lamp into an exquisite piece of jewellery.
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