Irmgard Mengel from Germany has decorated a small doily with precise stitches of an elaborate needle-weaving hem.
The needle-weaving hem, divided twice by a row of Four-Sided stitches, consists of 3-unit bands with two-part or four-part block patterns.
It has a segment of 36 bundles.
Due to the subdivision with Four-Sided stitches, fabric threads remain at the corners, which can be used to design the corner.
In this example, needle-weaving stitches have been embroidered over the threads and then threads have been laod into some of the free squares. The corner parts were decorated with needle-weaving patterns, the spider in the middle was wrapped.
With a needle-weaving hem with such a large segment, one has to work one´s way slowly from one corner to the next, counting the bundles and only then withdrawing the threads for the adjacent side. This gives matching patterns on both sides of the corner.
Wau Wau Wau die Muster der letzten Wochen,da weiß man nicht mit was man m ersten beginnen möchte.
Ganz lieben Dank für die wöchentliche Überraschung.