Advent Calendar 2023 – Nativity Scene
Robe of the second Wise Man

The second wise man is to receive a subtly patterned shirt. For this purpose, simple vertical thread withdrawing 3:1 is made.

Honeycomb Darning stitches are embroidered from the back between the withdrawn threads (coton à broder No. 16).

The cape should have a distinctive pattern. The Limet grid is withdrawn 4:1.

Filling pattern 571 is embroidered in two steps (coton à broder No. 20).

The cuffs of the trousers are embroidered with Satin stitch bars (coton à broder No. 20).

The trousers have a large surface area that offers space for a distinct filling pattern. I decided on a slight modification of filling pattern 448 (coton à broder No. 20). The dividing seam is subsequently attached with wrapped Chain stitches and additional Chain stitches.

The shirt sleeves are given a Honeycomb Darning stitch pattern.

Especially when illuminated at the back, this pattern harmonizes with the back Honeycomb Darning stitches of the shirt.

With the wise man 2, the second-to-last figure is embroidered.

Advent Calendar 2016
Advent Calendar 2017
Advent Calendar 2018
Advent Calendar 2019
Advent Calendar 2023 – Outline Designs
Advent Calendar 2023 – Prep Work
Advent Calendar 2023 – Hairstyles and Facial Features of Wise Men
Advent Calendar 2023 – Hands
Advent Calendar 2023 – Vessels for the Gifts
Advent Calendar 2023 – Headwear
Advent Calendar 2023 – Sheep
Advent Calendar 2023 – Footwear
Advent Calendar 2023 – Robe of the first Shepherd
Advent Calendar 2023 – Stick of the first Shepherd
Advent Calendar 2023 – Robe of the second Shepherd (A)
Advent Calendar 2023 – Robe of the second Shepherd (B)
Advent Calendar 2023 – Robe of the second Shepherd (C)
Advent Calendar 2023 – Sheep Wool
Advent Calendar 2023 – Stick of the third Shepherd
Advent Calendar 2023 – Robe of the third Shepherd
Advent Calendar 2023 – Maria’s Robe (A)
Advent Calendar 2023 – Maria’s Robe (B)
Advent Calendar 2023 – Baby Jesus in the Manger
Advent Calendar 2023 – The Star of Bethlehem
Advent Calendar 2023 – Joseph’s Robe
Advent Calendar 2023 – Robe of the first Wise Man

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