As already announced in the article “Selling handwoven linen”, I am now showing a pillowcase made from this linen.

44 cm was cut off from the 92 cm wide linen to end up with a pillow measuring 40cm X 40cm.

A matching motif was printed.
In the enlargements you can clearly see the faults of the linen: passages with thicker threads alternate with those with thinner threads;

many small and large stains are spread over the entire area;

a clear fault can be seen in the lower area of ​​the basket motif. I’ll show how the fault was dealt with in the next blog post.

The linen has been embroidered, washed/boiled and ironed. Afterwards the piece measured 92 cm x 43 cm – so it only shrunk very slightly.

Since the linen is relatively thick and very tightly woven, you have to get used to it. A little more effort is required to pull the needle through the fabric. But you can place the stitches very precisely,

which creates beautiful small leaves and tendrils.

Despite the density of the threads, the thread withdrawing is quite acceptable – the threads hardly break in both the warp and the weft – even over longer distances.

Both simple withdrawn thread patterns

as well as openwork

and Limetpatterns

have a good effect. This only comes into its own after boiling, as the pictures before

and after the wash clearly show.

Decorative stitches can also be positioned precisely,

which leads to a very positive overall impression.

In the pictures you can clearly see the thread thickening of the linen, small knots and small faults in weaving. They do not have a negative effect on the overall impression. The stains disappeared without residue after washing.

  1. Das Kissen ist einfach einmalig schön ! Ich finde, altes Leinen hat was ganz Besonderes, wirklich interessant. Ich hätte es nicht gewagt, das zu probieren, aber nun werde ich schauen, welche Rollen ich habe mit ähnlicher Struktur. Sie sind ja so unterschiedlich. Vielen herzlichen Dank fuer diese immer durchdachten und perfekt vorbereiteten Artikel.

  2. super votre ouvrage ,le lin à tissage irrégulier, n’est pas un désavantage mais confère à l œuvre réalisée une authenticité retour au vrai
    Merci Luzine de faire perdurer cette technique

  3. good afternoon Luzine. Your article regarding the Schwalm embroidery on hand woven linen is very interesting.
    Here in Italy, where I live, up to the middle of the past century, women user to gather hemp and during the winter they wove it by hand and the cloth was used for bed sheets and underwear. The result was wonderful and quiete as precious as linen cloth. I still have some precious pieces of this hemp cloth that my grandmother herself and her grandmother wove more or less before 1890.

  4. This is such a beautiful design and cushion, Luzine! Your articles are always so informative.

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