Elisabeth Erdmann leads an open whitework and lacemaking circle in Karlstadt, where women meet once a month on the first Saturday to work together. Up to 20 active people then come together to indulge in their hobby. Newcomers join us every now and then to get a taste of the subject matter and learn something so that they can one day pass on their knowledge themselves.

For International Museum Day on May 19, 2024, there was the opportunity to to provide a small but fine exhibition of whitework in the Museum Prassek-Scheune in Kreuzwertheim .

Elisabeth took the opportunity to present skillfully beautiful,

mostly elaborately embroidered exhibits

in the special ambience of the museum.

So many visitors to the museum in Bavaria had the opportunity to get to know the noble Schwalm whitework on this day. They were thrilled by the effect of the diverse designs and patterns. Such individually stitched embroidery are impressively displayed not only in the special ambience of a museum, but also in a state-of-the-art domestic facility.

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