By chance, some weeks ago, I got a small wooden welcome board. It had machine embroidered hearts as decoration.
A short time before, I had acquired a wonderful handwoven linen-evenweave and best quality. I wanted to do a small project using this linen to ascertain the ease (or difficulty) of withdrawing threads. And so my idea was born: I could have an individualized welcome board by simply changing the machine embroidered pieces to hand embroidered ones using my own patterns.
Keeping with the machine embroidered design, I also used a heart design; it is the same design (“Happel Heart”) that I had sent to many ladies.
The first heart is embroidered with the pattern “Ostertulpe” (Easter tulip – 1 staggered) from page 41 of my book “Limetrosen II”. The second heart is decorated with “Netzpatent” (Magic net) from page 64 of my book “Limetrosen I”. It was a sweet one-day project.
Although the linen was vintage, it was not too soiled; a light laundering was enough. It did not need to be bleached, and so it kept its natural linen grey. The white heart looked lovely on it. I ironed the pieces and, after removing the machine embroidered hearts, put them in the wooden frame.
Changing the fabric pieces was absolutely no problem. They were fastened on a wooden mounting board and easily removed from the frame.
Also, it was easy to remove the machine embroidered linen piece from the mounting board using a sharp knife.
In the end, with very little effort, I got a beautiful piece. Now my individualized welcome board decorates my entrance. I love it, and I think many other ladies do, too.
Hallo Frau Happel,
Ihre kleine Willkommenstafel ist wunderschön geworden. Ich hoffe, im nächsten Jahr mal bei Ihnen vorbeizuschauen, um die Ausstellung zu sehen.
Gruss Bärbel Timm, 21465 Wentorf bei Hamburg
Hallo Frau Timm,
wenn alles so klappt, wie geplant, können Sie im nächsten Sommer eine noch umfangreichere Ausstellung als bisher besuchen. Ich würde mich freuen, Sie zu sehen.
Viele Grüsse
Luzine Happel