From the beginning of June through the end of August, the exhibition noble & white attracted many kind visitors to Eschwege and engaged them. The exhibition started off slowly with only a few visitors, but the numbers steadily grew throughout the exhibition’s run. Interested visitors came from all parts of Germany, often having to travel a distance of many hundreds of kilometers; they also traveled from Italy, Switzerland, France, the Netherlands, Lithuania, the United States and Japan. Everyone was struck with the beauty of the presentation and were enthusiastic over the variety of the embroideries on display.
To everyone who made the trek to Eschwege this summer to see my exhibition, thank you from the bottom of my heart for the many good conversations, the productive shop-talks, the compliments and the approval.
Although I did not skimp on public relations and advertising, it has come to my attention that a great number of embroiderers learned about the exhibition too late. They long to see it!
Now I will give them the chance.
The pieces, which were on loan for the noble & white exhibition, have been returned to their owners. The resulting gaps have been filled with other exhibits very worth seeing. So, I now can present a slightly restructured, but still big and interesting, exhibition which I will open for visitors at pre-arranged times. To address the individual needs, I will open the exhibition through special request only. Please note: the exhibition’s summer 2014 hours are no longer valid.
Please send me an email to schedule your special and private viewing of this wonderful exhibition.
The entry price for such a private and special view of the exhibition with 100 % of my attention is:
1 person | 12,00 € |
2 people | 9,00 € per person |
3 people | 7,00 € per person |
4 people | 6,00 € per person |
5 or more people | 5,00 € per person |
Gradually, I will develop my museum into a center for Schwalm whitework. To some degree, it is already transpiring since nowhere in the world is there
- so many different Schwalm crowns shown in one place
- so many different filling patterns to be seen in one exhibition
- so many different pieces of contemporary Schwalm whitework gathered into a permanent exhibition
- such a large and marvelous whitework sampler, made by a single embroiderer
Oh, what a wonderful opportunity for anyone interested in Schwalm culture and, in particular, Schwalm whitework! I’m very excited to see how your “Center” will develop! I wish you continued success and good luck in all your endeavors.
You are welcome!
What do you think, are the next steps. Teaching? Offering items? Workshops? …..
Hallo Luzine,
I was thrilled to see that you are expanding your exhibitions and program. I live in Clearwater, Florida, and can only visit Germany once or twice a year at most.
Since Eschwege is some distance from where we have our holiday home in the Pfalz (suedliche Weinstrasse) I am very happy that you are considering individual opening times.
I would love to see workshops and classes offered, since I would like to learn. Also I think a beginner package with the correct materials would be a good idea.
Thanks for your wonderful and detailed website, I have often enjoyed browsing.
Hello Heather,
Thank you for your suggestions. It will take some more time, but may be, any day I am ready for all your suggestions.
Kind regards
I agree with Heather regarding Schwalm whitework supplies. Beginners (and even more advanced embroiderers) like to use the same materials that the experts use. Linens, threads, and needles could be a nice addition to your online shop.
Sehr geehrte Frau Happel,
der Weißstickerei- Virus hat mich erst in diesm Herbst befallen. SEHR GERNE nähme ich an einem Workshop / Kurs teil, falls Sie so etwas anbieten. Für einen Hinweis diesbezüglich bedanke ich mich schon mal im voraus und verbleibe mit freundlichen Grüßen
Hallo Frau Karnes,
im Moment habe ich für Workshops noch keine Zeit. Falls es nochmal eine neue Ausstellung geben wird, plane ich auch, gleichzeitig Workshops anzubieten. Das erfahren Sie dann über meinen Blog.
Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse
Luzine Happel