Fan-like arranged Scallops can be worked in many different ways. Here are some examples. The same pomgranate design
was used to work the scallops
with Coral Knot stitches
with Satin stitches between two rows of Coral Knot stitches
with Blanket stitches
and with Coral Knot stitches and Blanket stitches.
Your own creativity will discover many other possibilities. Perhaps:
- Coral Knot stitches, combined with Blanket stitches and Satin stitches
- Coral Knot stitches and half-eyelet scallops
- Blanket stitches and half-eyelet scallops
- or with dots of French Knots as additional decoration
- or …
I think that I have, once again, shown the infinite variety of possibilities of this fascinating embroidery technique.
What is the filling stitch used in the middle of the pomegranate? Enjoy reading your blog.
Hi Teri,
Fine, that you enjoy reading my blog. The filling pattern in the pomegranate is Checkerboard Filling stitch, which is described in great detail in my book “Openwork Pattern Samplers”
Best regards
Artikel & Bilder sind fuer mich sehr nett und hilfreich. Danke !
Das ist schön. Wenn Worte und Bilder weiterhelfen, ist meine Arbeit sinnvoll und lohnenswert. Weiterhin viel Freude an der Schwälmer Weißstickerei!
What a wonderful filling stitch! Real beauty!
Yes, Checkerboard Filling stitch is really beautiful. In Schwalm Whitework we know so very many filling stitches, many of them are as beauty as the Checkerboard, for example the Röserich Filling patterns.
Liebe Frau Happel,
ich freue mich jedes Mal über Ihre so umfangreichen “Schwalm news” über die neuen Stiche und Anregungen.
Es ist so wunderschön in all den vielen Anregungen zu stöbern.