Tritzers are roses made with silk ribbons. They are used for decorating the equipment of infants, children, and poor women. Because tritzers are small and cute, they are well suited for children’s adornment. And because they are quick and relatively inexpensive to produce, they are a good embellishment choice for low-income women.

Tritzer can be found on infants’ caps, baby christening caps, dresses for little girls, baby slings, garters, apron strings, and parade cushions.

Children’s tritzer are additionally decorated. This means, for girls 1-3 (sometimes 5) berries stuffed with peas are sewn in the center, and for boys 1 berry stuffed with a bean is sewn in the center.

tritzer embellishment, with tucked berries stuffed with peas, on a cap for a little girl

tritzer embellishment, with tucked berries stuffed with peas, on a cap for a little girl

baby boy’s christening cap decorated with tritzers and berries stuffed with a bean; image from the booklet Die Schwälmer Tracht von der Wiege bis zur Bahre by Erika Decker

baby boy’s christening cap decorated with tritzers and berries stuffed with a bean; image from the booklet Die Schwälmer Tracht von der Wiege bis zur Bahre by Erika Decker

tritzer made with one silk ribbon and additionally decorated with one berry sewn in the center

tritzer made with one silk ribbon and additionally decorated with one berry sewn in the center

Tritzers for adults are either sewn to the item without any additional decoration or they are embellished with bullion, sequins, and stamped metal flowers or stars.

garters with simple tritzers

garters with simple tritzers

garter with tritzers embellished with bullion, and metal flowers

garter with tritzers embellished with bullion, and metal flowers

garter with large and small tritzers and stamped metal embellishments

garter with large and small tritzers and stamped metal embellishments

Small tritzers are made with one silk ribbon, large tritzers are made with two or more silk ribbons.

girl´s tritzer made with 2 silk ribbons

girl´s tritzer made with 2 silk ribbons

tritzer made with 2 silk ribbons

tritzer made with 2 silk ribbons

apron strings with simple tritzers and metal embellishment

apron strings with simple tritzers and metal embellishment

parade cushion with tritzer embellishment and initials

parade cushion with tritzer embellishment and initials

parade cushion made of typical Schwalm blue and white woven linen with tritzer embellishment and initials

parade cushion made of typical Schwalm blue and white woven linen with tritzer embellishment and initials

parade cushion made of typical Schwalm blue and white woven linen with tritzer embellishment and initials

parade cushion made of typical Schwalm blue and white woven linen with tritzer embellishment and initials

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