The design, with a diameter of 18 cm, is transferred to the fabric. The linen used has a 16/cm thread count. (If you are interested in getting the design, please email me – there is a small fee.)

The lines are covered with Coral Knot stitches using coton à broder No. 20.
flechtkranz_1Please, on the back side of the piece, do not span the threads across intersections; rather, secure them. Threads carried across intersections will, in the end, be visible and distract from the overall charm of the finished doily.
flechtkranz_2Using coton à broder No. 20, Chain stitches are worked a small distance from the Coral Knot stitches at the outside edge.
flechtkranz_3The Chain stitches are covered with densely worked Blanket stitches, also using coton à broder No. 20.
flechtkranz_4Using coton à broder No. 30, the small areas between the lines are outlined with Chain stitches.
flechtkranz_5Inside these small areas, threads are withdrawn to establish an openwork grid.
flechtkranz_6Cable stitches are worked into the grids using coton à broder No. 30. In each grid, the stitch should always run in the same direction.
flechtkranz_7The finished embroidery was boiled, starched, and ironed.
flechtkranz_8Then the piece was trimmed.
flechtkranz_9The result is a sweet little doily. The same design can be used to make doilies of differing sizes. In addition, variations are possible.
flechtkranz_10Years ago I worked a tea cloth with a similar design; it was rectangular, and I added a blue line of Chain stitches inside the double lines of the plait.
flechtkranz_11It looks so elegant displayed on a cloth of a matching colour.
flechtkranz_12And with matching dishes and table napkins, it always garners admiration and compliments from guests.

  1. Thank you very much for your blog,it is very interesting. I like this embroidery,your advice is very useful.
    Can you send me the design of this pretty doily,I would like to make it.
    Thank you

  2. Pouvez-vous m’envoyer ce modèle que je trouve si beau, je vous remercie par avance.

    • traduction automatique.
      aucun problème pour moi.
      Il y a 2 variantes chacune en 3 tailles pour 10.00 €.
      Si elles vivent dans l’Union européenne ou à l’extérieur?
      Si je fais cela, je vous enverrai une facture PayPal.

  3. I have been very interested in Schwalm embroidery because my ancestors came from Germany and my son is now a resident of Nurnberg. I need a small project like this to start because I am a beginner. I do know all the stitches except the filling grids. I would like to receive the small doily pattern. Please send me details about how to obtain it and the fee. Thank you.

    Anne Baker

    • I would like to send you the design pattern of the wreath. It is 8.40 € for people out of EU. It has 2 variants and comes in 3 sizes each. You can pay via PayPal. I will send you a PayPal invoice, if you want. After receiving the payment I will send the pdf-document in the attachment of an email.

  4. I would like to buy the pattern for your lovely doily. I am in England.

  5. I would like this pattern Lupine. I will forward the payment by Paypal.

  6. Afternoon Luzine,

    I would also like this design please. It is beautiful. I will pay with paypal.

    Kind Regards from South Africa,

  7. Luzine, I would like to buy this pattern. Can you please email me a Paypal account? I do admire your beautiful work. Thank you for sharing it with us. I see you have fans in many countries…

    Erica (from New Zealand)

  8. I would also like to do this doily . how do i go about getting the pattern Luzine . I have many of your books
    jenny Daniels

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