To the wind up the year I would like to present some embroidered projects that my blog readers worked. The following pictures were sent to me over the last 12 months.
Yasuko Kobayashi from Japan worked, with the help of my books Openwork Pattern Samplers and Motif Antique Wreath, her beautiful tea cloth with the traditional wreath design.
Also, she perfectly embroidered, using pure silk thread, a design from one of my Crown books.
She then framed it to hang on the wall – wonderful!
Monika Müller from Germany stitched a Happel Heart and then heavily padded it and the surrounding linen before framing. She used my instrustions for left-handers and was able to achieve this pretty result all by herself.
Monika also mounted traditional Schwalm whitework in contemporary frames thus creating extravagant displays. The patterns from 24 small designs are well suited not only for Easter eggs but also for many other nice small projects.
Estelle Benedetti from France also worked a Happel Heart project. With the instructions from my lesson #1 booklet to guide her, she was able to embroider it completely on her own.
She put it into a display glass to use it as a coaster. She wrote: I followed your explanations and I’m pretty satisfied with the result. Schwalm is an embroidery very pleasant to do.
Bettina Limburger from Germany got the idea to combine vintage wood with old linen. In Bavaria she found old weathered larch boards with heart cutouts. Handwoven linen came from Hessia. She embroidered the linen with heart shapes using filling patterns published on my blog. She mounted the finished embroidery on the back of the boards. Now a duet of traditional materials, skillfully enhanced with her own embroidery, decorates her rooms.
She also picked up on my idea of the slate hearts. However, she made the idea her own by distorting the embroidered heart that is displayed on the slate heart.
Andrea Brinkmann from Germany needed, on short notice, a wedding ring cushion. She came up with the perfect and beautiful idea to work two hearts staggered and to embroider them with matching patterns.
Isn’t it nice?
Gertrude Vorwerk from Germany emailed me a picture of her elegant and perfectly worked doily.
One can see that the filling stitches are reminiscent of my plait wreath doily.
Ursula F. Roeser from Ouro Preto in Brazil embroidered Happel Hearts as preproduction models. In the near future, the students of a beginner class will work them. They will use a fabric called “Cânhamo”, a hemp “linen” common in Brazil. Ursula is member and founder of the women’s association ASA (Associação das Senhoras Artesãs de Ouro Preto).
Cathy Snider from the United States sent me a picture of her beautiful Tulip Wreath project. She was able to work this project on her own with only the aid of the instructions in my lesson #2 booklet. Last year she took a class in Eschwege learning the first steps of Schwalm whitework. Now she teaches Beginning Schwalm embroidery using my Happel Hearts lesson #1 booklet.
Yoko Miyamoto from Japan was busy stitching for her daughter´s wedding. She likes to show her happiness to everyone, so she sent me the photo. The picture shows the not yet, but almost finished piece. Isn’t it lovely?
And another picture just arrived: Lee Chaeyoun from South Korea worked a cozy using the instructions posted on my blog and the instructions included in my needlelace booklet. Due to not fully understanding the language, she worked mostly by following the pictures! She can be very pleased with the result of her first cozy.
Carol Stacey from South Australia – teacher and purchasing officer for the Embroiderer´s Guild library – prepared a lovely bag to work the same projects with her students. She used – with my permission – my blog-description of the heart pattern 446.
The ten members of the embroidery group of Yasuko Kobayashi recently displayed their pretty results in an exhibition in Yokohama, Japan. Among the projects were some, inspired by my crown books, very finely stitched with silk threads.
And last but not least are the projects embroidered by Heloise de Oliveira Pastore from Campinas, Brazil. Per my request, she would work a delicate handkerchief using a one of the wreath designs of my Advent calendar. In the end she worked two different projects interpreting the design in different ways.
For both pieces she used regular linen cambric, however for the handkerchief she used finer fabric than for the doily.
On the doily she embroidered a single motif in the corner opposite to the wreath. It looks very tasteful.
For the delicate handkerchief she used a smaller design than for the doily. And she worked a fine filling pattern into the narrow spaces.
An eminently felicitous interpretation!
She wrote: I certainly had a great time embroidering them.
Thank you, Heloise!
As you can see, the readers of my blog get ideas and inspiration from my posts and publications. In the end, they put their personal creative touches into all they make! I look forward to seeing more of your projects in the months to come. And perhaps next year your special project will be featured on my blog.
Thanks a million to those who gave me permission to feature their projects in this blog post.
And to all I wish limber fingers, keen eyesight, and plenty of time for the most beautiful stitching moments.
Viele Kuesse aus Japan !
Es ist eine große Ehre, hier in Deinem Blog uns kennenzulernen.
Zum Ende dieses Jahres freue mich auch sehr an der weltweiten Beziehung
von der aktiven Weiss-stickerei!
Herzlichst von Yasuko
Guten Tag Frau Happel,
von Herzen ein gutes gesundes neues Jahr für Sie und Ihre Lieben.
Ich freue mich, dass Sie so gut Rückmeldungen bekommen haben.
Das bestätigt, dass Sie Ihren Blog mit Anregungen und Tipps
super machen!!!
Vielleicht bekommt der Eine oder Andere doch noch Interesse
an der Stickerei.
Lieben Gruß Heike Götz
Danke, liebe Frau Götz, auch Ihnen alles Gute für das gerade begonnenen Jahr. Mögen Ihre Z´Licht Abende – die Handarbeitsrunden unter Ihrer professionellen Begleitung – immer begeisterte Anhänger finden. Auch Ihre “De lütje Stuv” ist so heimelig, dass wissbegierige Handarbeitsfreundinnen sicher sehr gern Ihre Kurse besuchen werden.
Viel Glück!
Luzine Happel
So schöne Modelle.
Man sieht, es wird in aller Welt sehr vielfältig und auch durchaus umfangreich gearbeitet. Lassen Sie sich inspirieren!