The exhibition
Noble & White
Embroidery at its best
I present at
Boyneburger Tor 3
37269 Eschwege
I will open upon your email request.
In the year 2019 Mimi Chan from Hong Kong visited Eschwege. She enjoyed viewing my exhibits, which show the many different possibilities Schwalm whitework provides. She took pictures and created a video, which she put on YouTube and Facebook. This way you can gain a little insight.

In the three adjacent “crown halls”, one will find many impressive pieces of contemporary whitework along with a unique variety of antique and reproduced embroideries featuring Schwalm crowns.

Along the walls of each room, rows of framed and meticulously hung embroidered crowns set the theme of the exhibition. The interested viewer will be able to see, draped on tables, window seats, and walls, many skillfully worked fine cloths, nice doilies, noble table runners and picturesque pillowcases.

An abundance of very elaborate embroideries (antique, vintage, and contemporary), as well as less elaborate versions, will be on display.

In every room you will find places to sit, rest, and be inspired. From very old, antique exhibits a lot can be learned and then applied to contemporary whitework. The “blue corner”, the “Christmas corner” and, of course, the “costume corner” offer individual specialities.

The “aviary” hosts all the gorgeous bird motifs. The “Schwalm Bird Tree”, the “Bird Wedding Sampler”, the “Bird Wedding Cloth” will make you marvel. An array of designs (borders, wreath, corner, and center motifs) featuring the charming Schwalm birds rounds off the amazing collection. Of course, crowns with integrated bird motifs should not be overlooked.

The round table has been placed so to offer the opportunity to rummage through books, design drawings and design prints, to chat, to discuss and to learn. On most days, Mrs. Mengel, an experienced teacher, will be present beside me.
The Art of Schwalm Whitework
a permanent exhibition
The apartment in an old building has an area of 120 m² , certainly to reach only over 61 stair steps
Boyneburger Tor 3
37269 Eschwege
In the “Schlafgemach”, one can find historical embroideries. During the historical period, beds and clothing were decorated. The Schwalm was a rural region and common houses were small; there were no separate living rooms and bedrooms. So, when there was a celebration, they decorated their beds, and their clothing, very elaborately.
In this room, one can also find some parts of costume accessories. One can also see what was done with women´s bodices and parade cushions when these were no longer needed.
In the “Schatzkammer”, one can find examples of all types of Schwalm Whitework stitched in the second half of the last, and in the current, century. One will see modern filling patterns in traditional designs, examples of the “Early Schwalm Whitework”, and traditional pieces on old, handwoven linen.
In the “Stöberstübchen”, one can take all the time needed to make oneself familiar with the contents of my books.
Also, here the newcomer can learn and practise the steps of working Schwalm Whitework.
In the “Hinterzimmer”, one can find modern designs beside traditional embroideries. Pieces stitched in colour, Easter motifs, as well as Christmas designs round off the exhibition.
eine Frage , organisieren Sie Kurse in Deutschland ? ich habe angefangen Schwalm zu sticken aber sehr wenig !!!!
ich freue mich auf Ihre Antwort Liebe Grüsse Margrit Michaux
meine Wohnadresse
Michaux Margrit
St. Dié des Vosges
Zur Zeit gebe ich selbst keine Kurse. Aber vielleicht weiß ich eine Möglichkeit in Ihrer Nähe. Ich werde mich erkundigen und Ihnen eine Nachricht zukommen lassen.
Kann man Ihre Ausstellung zurzeit besuchen? Ich interessiere mich vor allem für Mustervorlagen in modernem Design.
Viele Grüße
Christine Wagner
Wenn es etwas wärmer wird, kann man die Ausstellung wieder besuchen. Vorherige Terminvereinbarung ist allerdings notwendig.