Hessenstickerei (Schwalm Whitework)
Renate Fernau
Renate Fernau
- traditional motifs
- new ideas
- with patterns and descriptions
First edition published by Augustus, Augsburg 1998
Second edition published by Augustus
Third edition published by Knaur 2006
- Text:German
Allnecessary steps for working Schwalm Whitework are describedcomprehensively, and for each part different patterns are shown. Details are shown in steps. Many excellent pictures are complemented by schematic illustrations. A good reference book for all people enrolled in a Schwalm Whitework course. Not suitable to teach oneself.
Dear Sir/Madame,
I am passionate for stitching and still learning to do better.
I would like to know the price of the book. Is it for sale? Are there other books related to this topic?
Thanks for your replay in advance.
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