Schwälmer Weißstickerei Mustersammlung Teil 2
Gert und Maria Deistler
Gert und Maria Deistler
- Text: German
- 7 pages approximately 8.5”x11.5” and 6 pages approximately 16”x11.5
- black/white, loose-leaf
Outline designs in original size; a further page shows, in reduced format, the arrangement of different pieces into a total arrangement. 4 further pages show 11 schematic Needleweaving patterns in all.
Included are some motifs of counted embroidery, but the majority of designs are filled with non-counted embroidery. This is a good resource for everyone who loves very many small leaves, tendrils and small flowers.
hello I want to buy this product, but I have’nt found it in the shop.
Please let me know the price and how I can order it.
Mny thank