Wise Men (3a)
The embroidery starts with the hair. It was worked with Stem stitches (coton à broder No. 20). Next the facial outline was embroidered.
The base of the crown was worked with Satin stitch knife points (2 strands of 6-ply stranded cotton), the bottom outline with wrapped Back stitches, and the remaining outline of the crown with Stem stitches (both coton à broder No. 20).
The crown got additional decoration with Blanket stitch eyelets (coton à broder No. 25)
The outline of the hand was worked with short wrapped Back stitches (coton à broder No. 20).
So that the small curves of the fingers turn out well, wrapping changed at the curve. It was being made downwards from the outside inwards
so, at the curve it was made upwards from the inside outwards. In this way the working thread makes curves at the bottom and the top points of the fingers.
The bottom part of the vessel was outlined with wrapped Back stitches, the lid of the vessel with Coral Knot stitches.
The vessel got a pattern worked with Chain stitches (all coton à broder No. 20), and the lid’s knob was made with a Blanket stitch tear drop (coton à broder No. 25).
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