I recently embroidered a long band border with traditional Schwalm motifs.
Because I believe that such a project will be of great interest, I would like to share it with you. Here comes the design first. In later blog posts I will walk you through the entire project.
This outline design can be used very flexibly.
It actually consists of 5 separate sections of different heights, which can be placed on top of each other as required or separated into many smaller sections – this creates more than 20 different outline patterns. They can be used as individual patterns or combined as desired.
You can place all the sections together in the order of the printed sheets and at their full length, or you can shorten the band pattern section by section to achieve the desired length.
You can also combine the sections in a different order or mirror them.
The template sheets offer unimagined possibilities – give it a try!
The original design was based on a 16 cm wide band.
I gave up my initial plan to embroider on industrially woven striped linen. Therefore it was also possible to make the band wider than 16 cm. The patterns were expanded to 18 cm wide. This made my embroidery 165 cm long.
So that you too can embroider a project with these outline patterns, I offer them for purchase. The document contains 35 reduced size design suggestions on three pages, and then the 5 original size design sections – both 16cm and 18cm wide.
You can either download this documentSchwalm Band
with traditional motifs
line drawings
22 pages
Text: English
7.51 MB file size
(incl. 7% sales tax)
(€17,76 for customers outside the EU.)
or order as a print version.
In the print version, the line drawings are printed on high-quality tracing paper. This makes putting the sections together very easy.
Schwalm Band
with traditional motifs
line drawings
22 pages
Text: English
(incl. 7% sales tax)
(€ 23,36for customers outside the EU.)